Academic Honors

Missouri College Preparatory Certificate

The Missouri Department of Education presents the Missouri College Preparatory Studies Certificate to all graduating students who complete a more rigorous academic program. This program is highly recommended for students planning to enter college in order for them to be more competitive with other high school graduates. The minimum requirements are listed below. However, obtaining a Missouri College Prep Certificate does not guarantee the student has all required curricular classes to get into every college. Each school has their own admission requirements and students should check with the individual school they are interested in. Many schools require two years of the same foreign language, even though this is not required to obtain the Missouri College Prep Certificate.

The minimum requirements for the Missouri College Prep Certificate are:

Communication Arts

4 credits

Social Studies

3 credits


4 credits


3 credits

Fine Art

1 credit

Practical Arts

1 credit

Physical Education

1 credit


.5 credit

Personal Finance

.5 credit

Special Core Electives

3 credits

General Electives

4 credits

 Total Minimum Credits Required

25 credits

1) A student must have a minimum G.P.A. of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in communication arts, social studies, math and science and score above the prior year’s National composite average on either the ACT (21) or the SAT.

2) Complete a strong academic program in the subject areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and specified core electives.

3) Students must also maintain an attendance rate of at least 95% in grades 9-12.

Standards of Academic Accomplishment

Minimum Requirements are:

1) Student must complete all the specified course requirements for the Missouri College Prep Certificate.

2) Student must have a GPA of 3.0 OR a GPA of 2.5 and score at or above the national average on the SAT or ACT (21).

3) Students must participate in at least one co-curricular activity each of the four years of high school. 

4) A student must have an excellent citizenship/attendance record in each of his/her four years of high school.

Presidents’ Award for Excellence

Minimum requirements are:

1) Student must complete all the specified requirements for the Missouri College Preparatory Certificate.

2) A student must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale.

3) A student must score at or above the 85th percentile in math or reading on an ACT, SAT or other achievement test.

Cum Laude Honors

Cum Laude Honors will be announced as students’ names are read at commencement. Students will wear a Cum Laude Medallion with the color ribbon selected by the individual high school and a sticker will be placed on the student’s diploma indicating the appropriate honor:

· Summa Cum Laude = Gold Medallion

· Magna Cum Laude = Silver Medallion

· Cum Laude = Bronze Medallion

 Requirements to be eligible for cum laude awards:

GPA calculated after eight semesters (GPA includes all classes taken in high school excluding correspondence courses). Note: GPAs will not be rounded up:

· 4.2 and Above = Summa Cum Laude

· 4.01 – 4.19 = Magna Cum Laude

· 3.8 – 4.0 = Cum Laude

*Students only need to have a minimum 3.8 cumulative GPA to qualify for Cum Laude Honors*

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