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Links to Online Databases

NOTE: Need remote access to the databases? Click here to access Database logins. You must log in with your school Google account to view.


 Learning Express

Learning Express Library offers tutorials
and practice tests for math, AP exams,
college entrance exams, ASVAB, high school improvement and much more. 

You can either sign up of FHHS campus or use this link to sign up from a location other than FHHS:

(Use your District Google Login for Learning Express Library.) 



Full-text scholarly articles provide a wealth of information on authors, their works, and literary movements.

General / Interdisciplinary

 Power Search
Search any or all the Gale Databases at one time with a Gale Power Search. 



EBSCOhost Integrated Search allows users to search multiple databases.


Gale Virtual Reference Library is a collection of FHHS Reference eBooks.

 Click here to access World Book

A sequence of databases supported by supplemental tools, such as language translation, graphic organizers and a citation builder.


Opposing Viewpoints in Context is the premier online resource covering today’s hottest social issues. 



A comprehensive consumer health resource that provides authoritative information on the full range of health-related issues.



Features authoritative information for assignments and projects, and provides detailed coverage of popular subjects from obesity to endangered species. 

 Social Studies


Supports U.S. history studies and provides an overview of our nation's past, covering the most-studied events, decades, conflicts, wars, political and cultural movements, and people. 


Reaches back nearly 5,000 years to chronicle the rise and fall of cultures and societies across all continents and eras. 

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