Posted on 07/31/2020
The Francis Howell School District will be utilizing Canvas as our middle and high schools’ online learning management system (LMS). Identified as a priority by internal and external stakeholders as part the District’s strategic planning initiative, teachers will use Canvas as an online learning platform for blended and online teaching and learning. Canvas is scheduled to roll out at the elementary school level in August 2022.
An LMS is a platform to create lessons, organize and deliver content and courses, and assess performance. Additionally, an LMS offers centralized curriculum and content management, standards-based tacking, collaboration and multimedia tools, and a central depository for shared digital resources. Parents can sign up for an account and access any online course activities such as assignment due dates, grades, classroom announcements, and mobile app access. View a short introductory parent video on access to Canvas.
Additional information and details can be found on the District Canvas webpage.